Movement is (important) for everyBody.
When used purposefully, it helps to develop soft skills, it boosts our immune system and promotes our physical and mental wellbeing.
Groovement connects body and mind by using practical and accessible exercises and images that brings us in balance and harmony.
“I want people to feel free, flexible and resilient in both body and mind by using dance and movement as a safe and abstract form of expression”
Fernanda Silva
To promote activities with the Body as a tool and starting point.
To enhance body-mind connection so that we can take agency of our lives optimally.
To promote and enrich the fields of Arts, Education and Health & Wellbeing, through different Groovement activities.
To share accessible tools that can be transferable to our daily-lives.
To help get us out of our minds, the screens, the couch and into our Bodies, be it as a transition for a certain goal, or as a purpose in itself - when necessary or wished.